The Quiltmaker’s Gift
The Quiltmaker’s Journey by Jeff Brumbeau Summary: The quiltmaker grows up wealthy and sheltered, but radically changes her life after...
Still A Family
Still A Family by Brenda Sturgis Summary Despite living in separate shelters, this girl still considers that she has a family including...
Making Gratitude Viral
Nipun Mehta explores how we can help more people to embrace giving and gratitude. This video is published by Greater Good Science Center.
Kids fight. Hurt feelings linger. What's a parent to do?
This video about forgiveness was developed by
How Full Is Your Bucket? For Kids
How Full Is Your Bucket? For Kids by Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer Summary Felix realizes all of us have invisible buckets, that gets...
My Day Is Ruined! A Story for Teaching Flexible Thinking
My Day Is Ruined! A Story for Teaching Flexible Thinking by Bryan Smith Summary When the championship baseball game gets rained out,...
The Lady in the Box
The Lady in the Box by Ann McGovern Summary When Lizzie and Ben discover a homeless lady living in their neighborhood, they must...
Seven Ways to Foster Empathy in Kids
In a world that is revolved around a selfie and constant social media use, learn seven ways to foster empathy in kids. From examining you...
The Snail and the Whale
The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson Summary Wanting to sail beyond it's rock, a tiny snail hitches a ride on a big humpback whale...