Humility will Make you the Greatest Person Ever
See the full article here.

Teenagers are more entitled than grateful
Here are some suggestions for practicing gratitude with teenagers. We need to teach our teens to feel and express more gratitude in their...

How to Cultivate Curiosity in your Classroom
​According to this article we can help student strive in our classroom if we encourage curiosity. This article explains the five...

Teaching kids forgiveness
We should teach kids to forgive because forgiveness heals hurt and is good for the forgiver. Access the full article here.

Does forgiveness make kids happier
A new study suggests that children are happier when they’re more forgiving toward their friends. Access the full article here.

How to help kids consider forgiveness
Parents and educators can help to teach kids how to forgive rather than seek revenge. Access the full article here.

How love can help your child be more compassionate
New research suggests that warm and loving relationships with parents can help children grow into compassionate adults. Access the full...

Practice Superhero Motivation for Kids
Practice Superhero Motivation for Kids by GGSC using the activities here

How to Raise a Kid Who Won’t Quit
Persistence is critical for school and beyond. This article shows you 8 tips for raising children who wont quit. Click here to access...

9 Tips for Keeping the Peace
By teaching kids how to forgive each other, you're giving them a valuable skill and strengthening their ability to bond with people in...