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Camp Kindness Counts is excited to offer our FREE character development camp once again! This year we will be partnering with ICHS (International Community Health Services) who provides free  healthcare services to students in the Bellevue School District.

This is a community-led camp and can ONLY run with the support of parent/caregiver and teen volunteers to lead the camp with us. Let's support our community together!


Campers and volunteers will have the opportunity to:

  • impact their community through various community service projects

  • build on their strengths of empathy, compassion and gratitude through games, projects and service

  • learn and practice mindful movements which support us in times of challenge


​Community Service projects include:

-Practicing generosity by helping to plant, weed and maintain the Beacon Food Forest gardens which serve the community with free vegetables, herbs and fruit.

-Learning about forgiveness from animal living in Animals Sanctuaries 

-Practicing curiosity and compassion by taking the time to learn from the elderly

-Understand empathy as we work with an organization making global impact



When: August 19-22  9:30am-2:30pm


Where: Highland Community Center Bellevue, WA


Cost: FREE!





Commitment and reliability are important to run this free community-led camp.  In order for it to be free and fair to all individuals we ask parents to please plan your summer out thoughtfully before registering for this camp.  If you commit to enrolling and change your mind later it greatly burdens our volunteers who are planning camp logistics and also sadly takes up a spot for a family who may have needed and wanted to enroll in this camp.




If you are a teen passionate about kindness and bettering our community we would love for you to volunteer with us as a camp counselor this summer!


We will contact teens who have already expressed an interest in volunteering with us this summer. If there is additional space we will provide a link to apply in June.

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