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Mela and the Elephant by Dow Phumiruk

Mela and the Elephant

by Dow Phumiruk


Mela sets out to explore the riverbank but, after refusing to take her brother with her, she gets her own lessons about kindness being its own reward.


1) Do you think Mela’s little brother felt upset for not going with Mela in her adventure? Was that kind of Mela?

2) Are all the animals kind to Mela as she encounters them? What things did she give them to try to get the animals to help?

3) Did the elephant ask for a reward for helping Mela? Do you ask for rewards when helping people?

4) Do you remember what the elephant taught Mela?

5) Do you think Mela’s little brother forgave her? Do you think Mela learned a lesson with all this?

6) On the last page and paragraph, the author suggests ways to be kind to others. Go try one of those today!


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