Parents, Educators, Counselors and School Administrators
Welcome to Kind World Explorers a resource which supports the well-being of children through character development! Camp Kindness Counts is a parenting partner of UC Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center. With their support, we developed the Kind World Explorers guidebooks, which contain research-based activities that foster virtuous character through practice and peer reflection.
There are 12 character strengths addressed within the Kind World Explorers series of guidebooks.
All lessons include applicable CASEL core Social and Emotional Learning competencies, learning objectives, reflection opportunities and continued learning examples.
We hope you find this informative video and the "sneak peek" version of our Kind World Explorers guidebooks supportive in your efforts of fostering social and emotional well-being and kindness in our world!
Additional services such as Family Service opportunities, Kindness Ambassadors youth program, Service Camps and Character Building workshops are also available to complement Kind World Explorers learning. For more information or to obtain Kind World Explorers resources for your family, classroom or school, please contact us at kindworld@campkindnesscounts.org